Mark Parsons
2, Corstorphine Hill Avenue
Edinburgh EH12 6LE
Having Problems with your PC or Laptop?
Is your PC or Laptop really slow?
Having trouble booting up your PC, is it crashing regularly? -
Do you just want your PC reset, with all your personal data removed
before you dispose of it?
Has your PC/Laptop broken and you want to retrieve photos and files
from it?
Got a new PC or Laptop and want help setting it up or if you are
having any other issues which you need help with then please do give
me a call.
My prices will be very competitive and I should be able to provide a
set price after a chat.
No Fix, no Fee.
Location Corstorphine Hill.
If you want a trustworthy, reliable and experienced person to help
with any of the above then drop me an email with as much detail as
you can at or Phone or WhatsApp me on